Flur Documentation
Open Source


https://github.com/open-fractal/cat-token-box (opens in a new tab)

This backend is a modified version of cat-token-box that includes additional endpoints and tracking capabilities to support the on-chain order book.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following services running:

  • A synced Fractal Bitcoin Node
  • A PostgreSQL Database

Getting Started

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/open-fractal/cat-token-box.git
cd cat-token-box

Install dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install

Build the project:

npm run build
# or
yarn build


To interact with the Tracker API, navigate to the packages/tracker directory:

# From the root directory
cd packages/tracker
# If you need to return to root first
cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
cd packages/tracker


Create and configure a .env file in the packages/tracker directory with the appropriate environment variables.

Example .env configuration:

# Node Environment
NODE_ENV=development        # Environment: 'development' or 'production'
# Database Configuration
DATABASE_TYPE=postgres      # Database type (e.g., 'postgres')
DATABASE_HOST=              # Database host address (e.g., 'localhost' or IP address)
DATABASE_PORT=5432          # PostgreSQL default port
DATABASE_DB=                # Database name
DATABASE_USERNAME=          # Database username
DATABASE_PASSWORD=          # Database password
# Bitcoin Node Configuration
RPC_HOST=         # Bitcoin node RPC host
RPC_PORT=8332              # Bitcoin node RPC port
RPC_USER=                  # RPC username for Bitcoin node authentication
RPC_PASSWORD=              # RPC password for Bitcoin node authentication
# API Configuration
API_PORT=3001              # Port for the API server
GENESIS_BLOCK_HEIGHT=6540  # CAT protocol deployment block height
# Worker Configuration (Optional)
REINDEX_BLOCK_HEIGHT=      # Starting block height for reindexing
# Cache Configuration (Optional)
CACHE_CONTROL=public, max-age=1, stale-while-revalidate=1  # Browser and CDN caching behavior
CACHE_TTL=1000            # Cache duration in milliseconds (1 second)
# Feature Flags (Optional)
ENABLE_MATERIALIZED_VIEW_REFRESH=true  # Enable/disable automatic refresh of materialized views 
ENABLE_MEMPOOL_DAEMON=true             # Enable/disable mempool monitoring for real-time updates


The worker is an indexer that synchronizes CAT Protocol assets, order book data, and positions from the CAT Protocol contracts to the database.

Start the worker:

npm start:worker:prod
# or
yarn start:worker:prod


The API provides REST endpoints for interacting with CAT Protocol assets and the order book.

Start the API:

npm start:api:prod
# or
yarn start:api:prod


To update the API and worker with new features, follow these steps from the root directory:

Navigate to the root directory:

cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)

Pull the latest changes:

git pull

Install dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install

Rebuild the project:

npm run build
# or
yarn build